There’s a new essential gym bag taking the TikTok nation by storm. Designers pack spray bottles of hypochlorous acid among their usual Hydroflasks, deodorants, and extra towels.
They claim that sprays can help prevent post-workout acne, prevent odours, and even clean equipment, but if they could do all of these things, is it safe to spray them on your face? And what is hypochlorous acid?
First, hypochlorous acid is a weak acid (a chemical term for an acid with a low pH; think citric acid) with strong antimicrobial properties. About 100 times more powerful than bleach, Jaimie DeRosa, MD, a double-certified plastic surgeon, tells Allure.
HOCl (when we talk about chemical symbols) is commonly used in surface cleaners, pool cleaners, and facial cleansers. One of these things is not like the others, but you read that right: this disinfectant is also found in your skincare products.
What is hypochlorous acid?
“Hypochlorous acid is a substance our body produces naturally in our white blood cells. It works to kill bacteria and nuisances that are harmful to us,” explains Dr. DeRosa. Simply put, it is a natural disinfectant to combat inflammation and speed up the body’s healing processes.
In the scientific world, hypochlorous acid is reproduced by combining salt, water, and vinegar through electrolysis. The result is a formula replicating the skin’s natural ability to fight bacteria and heal itself.
When this formula is concentrated correctly and added to your favourite skin and hair care crops, it can give your face and scalp a boost of healing energy at any time.
In higher concentrations, hypochlorous acid can be found in everyday cleaners. It’s used to disinfect surfaces, disinfect medical equipment “and has even been shown to kill coronavirus,” King says.
What are the benefits of hypochlorous acid?
“Hypochlorous acid is an influential killer of bacteria, worms, and even fungi,” says Dr. DeRosa. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent action for various skin problems, from cystic acne to sunburn.
“Hypochlorous acid is a natural antibacterial byproduct of our white blood cells. Therefore, it has antiviral and bacterial qualities,” explains board-certified dermatologist Mona Gohara, MD. She says it can prevent future acne breakouts and can also help reduce signs of past breakouts.
But it’s getting better. Hypochlorous acid fights redness and inflammation associated with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Soothes swollen or irritated skin and gently cleanses to prevent future breakouts. “It’s also great for helping to reduce itching,” says Dr. DeRosa, so he’s not tempted to scratch his skin and spread the infection.
Hypochlorous acid is essentially the duct tape of skin care—almost nothing it can’t fix. It can even help heal a nasty sunburn. Using a hypochlorous acid spray, like Tower 28’s SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray, on your face or scalp can help soothe and repair burned skin on the spot.
Because hypochlorous acid already lives in your body, products formulated with HOCl are safe for daily use. You won’t develop resistance like you would with a prescription antibiotic, and it won’t dry out your skin like alcohol or benzoyl peroxide.
Some sprays, such as S’eau Prima Facial Foundation Mist, can help hydrate the skin. This spray contains hypochlorous acid and Bora Bora sea salt. “Sea salt absorbs excess oil and impurities while softening and hydrating the skin,” says Dr. DeRosa.
Should I Bring Hypochlorous Acid Sprays To The Gym?
With all the benefits above, it makes sense that TikTok creators are now adding hypochlorous acid sprays to their gym bags. “This can help repel [germs] in the gym that leach onto the skin from common surfaces,” says Dr. Gohara.
She says, however, that if she has the option, use a disinfectant wipe for her equipment, as they are usually alcohol-based and contain other chemicals for deep cleaning.
Hypochlorous acne can also help prevent acne and body odour. “It acts as a shield against the millions of microbes we come into contact with when we sweat,” says Dr. Gohara.
So, is carrying a bottle with you during your workouts essential? No, but it certainly can help. “It’s a pretty harmless extra layer of defence,” says Dr Gohara. His favourite formula is Magic Molecule The Solution.
“It’s my favourite because it’s effective and approved by the National Eczema Society, which means it’s good for sensitive skin.”
Are There Any Risks?
According to our experts, there is virtually no risk when using products with hypochlorous acid to treat skin conditions… as long as these products are appropriately formulated and intended for your skin.
“On its own, this material can cause chemical burns,” says King. “The concentration varies depending on the application. Skincare should be diluted to 100 parts per million.” She warns that you should never attempt to dilute hypochlorous acid yourself or use products not expressly intended for use on the skin.
“Buy already diluted products and come with instructions,” she explains. “If the product is well formulated, you can use it daily without risk.”
Still, our experts recommend avoiding your eyes and mouth when using skin care products containing HOCl (an acid).
How Do You Use Hypochlorous Acid?
A fine mist is the most common way to add hypochlorous acid to your routine. Dr Gohara recommends cleansing your face before gently spraying it all over your face. “Then apply a protective repair cream,” he says.
Editor-in-Chief Jesa Marie Calaor loves Drunk Elephant Bora Repair Cream because it hydrates her dehydrated and often inflamed complexion.
Skin care products containing hypochlorous acid are entirely safe for daily use. Outside of your regular skincare routine, Dr. DeRosa says these products can be used to topically treat an acne breakout, soothe a sunburn, or even sanitize your hands in a pinch.
Who Should Use Hypochlorous Acid?
Do you have skin? If so, you’ll probably benefit from adding hypochlorous acid to your skincare routine. Even people with extremely sensitive skin don’t have to think twice before using products containing hypochlorous acid.
Remember, white blood cells create hypochlorous acid to fight bacteria and infections. So you already use it every day, in a sense. But your skin may need an extra dose of hypochlorous healing power, “especially if you suffer from sensitive skin but need to treat skin conditions like acne or eczema,” says Dr. DeRosa.
DeRosa recommends looking for fragrance-free hypochlorous acid products, like Curative Bay’s Advanced Hypochlorous Acid Skin Spray, for sensitive skin. If you experience skin irritation from using products containing hypochlorous acid, “it’s probably due to other ingredients, such as fragrance,” she says.
Acide Hypochloreux : Le TL;DR
Your body already produces hypochlorous acid but can’t tell your white blood cells to target an annoying rash. This is where skin care products containing hypochlorous acid come into play.
Use these products to give your skin an extra boost of hypochlorous acid to combat common problems like acne and eczema, or use them daily to keep your skin clean, clear, and hydrated.