Black Watch Tartan is one of the most iconic and historic patterns in the tartan world. Known for its deep green, dark blue, and black hues, this tartan has a rich history dating back to the early 18th century and remains a symbol of Scotland’s proud military and cultural heritage.

Origins of the Black Watch Tartan

In 1725, following the Jacobite Rising of 1715, General George Wade, Commander-in-Chief in Scotland, was tasked with ensuring the peace and security of the Scottish Highlands. At this time, Wade proposed the formation of a new military unit known as the “Watch,” intended to patrol the rugged terrain of the Highlands. Its duties included preventing anarchy, disarming rebels, and protecting the crown’s interests in the area.

The Watch originally consisted of six independent companies, each commanded by members of prominent Scottish clans. These included the Campbell, Fraser, Grant, and Munro clans. The name “Black Watch” comes from the Gaelic term Am Freiceadan Dubh, which translates to “dark watch,” referring to the dark tartan they wore and their role in maintaining order in the Highlands.

Tartan Design: What Colours Make Up the Black Watch Tartan?

Tartan Design_ What Colours Make Up the Black Watch Tartan

The Black Watch tartan is known for its unique combination of dark green, dark blue, and black. Woven in Strathspey, a region renowned for its skilled tartan weavers, the tartan became the symbol of this special military unit. The original pattern was created with over sixty weavers to develop a strong, durable fabric suitable for Highland life.

Over time, this tartan became associated with military regiments and Highland clans. Today, it remains a popular design worn by people worldwide for its military significance and its timeless aesthetic.

Black Watch: A Regiment with a Proud Heritage

In 1739, the Black Watch became an official regiment under King George II, expanding from six original companies to single-line infantry. The men of the Black Watch, all of whom were native Scots, earned a reputation for bravery, discipline, and unwavering loyalty to the crown. Their distinctive uniform included the Black  Tartan kilt, symbolizing their service and identity.

The Black tartan was said to be different from all other clan tartans of the time, marking the creation of a distinctive pattern for that particular military unit. Historians agree that this tartan, now known as the “government tartan,” was chosen to distinguish the Regiment from other Highland clans and has been worn by Scottish soldiers ever since.

Why is the Black Watch called “black”?

The exact origin of the name “Black Watch” has given rise to several theories over the years. Some believe the term comes from the black cockade of the House of Hanover, which contrasted with the white cockade of Jacobite supporters. Others have speculated that the name could refer to the Regiment’s dark tartan or its role in defending the Highland region, combating the notorious “blackmail” – the extortion of cattle by bandits.

Another possibility is that the name alludes to the soldiers’ reputation as “black-hearted” due to their loyalty to the unpopular British crown, although this theory is often disputed.

The Black Watch tartan and its influence on other regiments

The Black Watch tartan and its influence on other regiments

As the Black Watch Regiment became famous, its tartan spread to other military units in Scotland. In the 19th century, several Highland regiments, including the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders and the Seaforth Highlanders,

adopted variations of the Black Watch tartan. This trend continued through the centuries, and other regiments, such as the Gordon Highlanders and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, wore the Black tartan.

In 1881, two regiments, the 91st (Argyll) and 93rd (Sutherland), were amalgamated to form Princess Louise’s Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, continuing the tradition of wearing the Black tartan.

Modernity – The Black Watch Tartan Today

In 2006, Scotland’s regimental system underwent a reorganization, and the Black Watch was incorporated into the Royal Regiment of Scotland. Despite the changes, the Black tartan remains the regimental pattern worn by soldiers today, albeit in a slightly lighter shade.

The tartan is also widely available for civilian use, and Scottish Kilt offers a variety of products made from this iconic design. The Black Watch tartan symbolizes Scottish pride, heritage, and style, from kilts and skirts to trousers and accessories.

Black Watch Tartan – From Military Uniform to Modern Fashion

For over 200 years, soldiers of the Black Watch Regiment wore the Black Watch. It became a symbol of their bravery and devotion to Scotland. The Regiment took part in many significant battles, including the Napoleonic Wars and World Wars, and the Black  Tartan was proudly worn by soldiers who fought to defend Scotland and its traditions.

Black Watch Tartan was initially used in military uniforms, often paired with a kilt for formal occasions. Over time, the use of the

Black Watch Tartan spread beyond the military realm, reaching civilian dress and becoming a popular choice for Scottish ceremonial events such as weddings, festivals, and Highland games.

At Scottish Kilt, we offer a range of Black Tartan products, including bespoke kilts, accessories, and even fabrics cut to size for those

who want to create their own. With high-quality acrylic wool tartan starting at just $8 per yard,

you can incorporate this historic tartan into your wardrobe or special occasion outfit.

How to Style Black Watch Tartan

How to Style Black Watch Tartan

For Formal Occasions

Black tartan is popular for formal events such as weddings, banquets, and Highland balls. The Black Watch kilt paired with a jacket or waistcoat creates a regal and sophisticated look. Add accessories such as a sporran, skirt pin, and cufflinks to complete the ensemble for a refined and traditional look.

For Everyday Outings

Trousers, or a simple sweater for a smart-casual look. The tartan print adds an element of Scottish flair to any casual outfit,

making it ideal for weekends away, casual get-togethers, or outings with friends.

For everyday elegance

whether through accessories such as ties, scarves, or bags, or through a tartan kilt or jacket. The Black Watch tartan is subtle and vibrant, making it suitable for any occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the history of the Black Watch tartan?

To keep the peace in the Scottish Highlands. The tartan has become synonymous with the Regiment and now symbolizes Scottish heritage and pride.

2. Can I wear the Black Watch tartan on casual occasions?

Certainly! From kilts to skirts, jackets, and accessories, the tartan’s stylish design makes it ideal for everyday wear.

3. Is the Black  tartan only suitable for men?

No, the Black tartan is a unisex print that both men and women can wear. Scottish Kilt offers a wide range of Black Watch Tartan clothing for all genders, including kilts, skirts, jackets, and accessories.

4. Why is the Black tartan so popular?

The Black  tartan is popular due to its rich history, connection to the iconic Black Watch Regiment,

and elegant and timeless design. It symbolizes Scottish pride and tradition, making it a highly sought-after pattern in both fashion and culture.